By Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) & Deb Siegel (@debsiegal)
Originally Published, September 3, 2020
Have you been asked to join a Slack workspace?? Does it feel over whelming? These videos should help with that!
Slack is one of the most popular collaborative workspace applications to help you to communicate with your team, share, organize, and edit files without having to download and upload. You can also organize multiple discussions or chat privately. Does this sound interesting? Then these videos are useful for you.
Why Slack (part 1)
How to Slack (part 2)
About the author:
Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) is an associate professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine at McMaster University. She is the assistant dean for McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Program for Faculty Development (@MacPFD). She is an avid scholar in health professions education and works with the MERIT group (@MERIT_McMaster), and conducts research and scholarship within this area.